Daily Devotional – Thursday, May 4, 2023
Unto the upright there arises light in the darkness.
Psalms 112:4 (NKJV)
Paul and Silas are in Philippi, the chief city of the Macedonia District. This is yet another fertile ground for gospel work. Lydia, a believer, invites the missionaries to stay in her home. Unknown to the servants of God, their sojourn in Philippi will reveal that light arises in the darkness for the upright.
The Beginning of Gloom
It all starts with unexpected publicity. As Paul and Silas preach in the city, a slave-girl follows them around proclaiming, “These men are the servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation.” (Acts 16:17). Well, nothing is wrong with that at face value, only that it continues for several days, and interferes with the missionaries’ preaching plan.
Paul is not happy. The spirit in the girl is not from God. The devil is using her to disrupt God’s work. The apostle orders the evil spirit, “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.” (Acts 16:18). In a flash, the girl is free from the devils’ bondage.
Brightness Emerges in Obscurity
Obviously, there will be many hallelujahs or so you think. Not in this case. The owners of the slave-girl are enraged. She has been fetching them a handsome profit by fortune telling. Now that their source of income is gone, these businesspeople turn their wrath on Paul and Silas.
Suddenly, day turns into night for Paul and Silas. The profiteers seize the duo violently. Shortly after, the missionaries appear before the city’s magistrates, accused of troubling the city and propagating treasonous teachings.
God Interrupts Night
Not even the magistrate are willing to listen to the Christian minister. The mob is baying for the duo’s blood. The judges dramatically tear off their own clothes and command Paul and Silas to be beaten severely and incarcerated. The night of trouble becomes darker for the servants of God.
To the jailer and other prisoners, Paul and Silas are weird inmates. How can people who are so badly beaten summon the strength to pray and sing inside a jail? Well, this is the signal heaven has been waiting for. God sends an earthquake that destroys the prison and renders all inmates free, though they do not escape.
When Light Arises in the Darkness
Indeed, “Unto the upright there arises light in the darkness.” (Psalms 112:4). God allows His people to go through dark, trying moments, but He never abandons them. When people thinks there is no hope, God interrupts the darkness and changes our situation.
Today, your darkness may be a failing or failed relationships, job loss, disintegration of your business, financial turmoil, an illness, or a related problem. Do not lose hope. In that darkness, trust the God of Paul and Silas, who obliterates gloom and brings relief when you need it most. Keep going. God is with you.
Thank You, Jesus because in Your plan for me, light arises out of darkness.
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A true Christian is light
Thank you for the insight, Pastor. It is important to understand that God also makes us the light that can lead others out of darkness.