Daily Devotional – Saturday, September 16, 2023
The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light. Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them a light has shined.
Isaiah 9:2 (NKJV)
It was a dark, cold night. The heavy clouds hang threateningly over us. It did not help that we were stuck in the middle of the wilderness. The truck that was carrying people and foodstuff had broken down. There was no mobile phone network in the area. We expected no vehicle to come along that road until daybreak. This being a wildlife zone did not help matters.
The People Have Seen a Great Light
For hours, we remained in the safety of the truck, chatting away the night. Suddenly, a strong beam of light pierced the sky. We started shouting joyfully. Out of nowhere, another vehicle came our way. A few hours later, our truck was back on the road. We thanked God for the light that had conquered the darkness and brought us help.
Isaiah’s prophecy of the coming Messiah revolves around a similar theme. Regarding Christ’s mission in Galilee, the prophet predicted, “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light. Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them a light has shined.” (Isaiah 9:2). Jesus fulfilled this prophecy after the death of John the Baptist (Read Matthew 4:12–17).
A Light Has Shined
Indeed, Christ’s ministry wiped away years of physical and spiritual misery for the people of Galilee and other areas where He preached. For many years, they had been in great darkness and hopelessness due to Roman oppression and self-righteous religious elites. Jesus, however, shone in their darkness by attending to their temporal needs and assuring them of eternal life.
Like the people of Galilee and my fellow stranded travelers on that dark night, we all undergo moments of pitch darkness. Your land of the shadow of death could be a chronic illness, joblessness, financial ruin, broken relationships, the loss of a loved one, a sinful habit you have failed to overcome, and so on.
When Light Conquers Darkness
Do not despair. There comes a moment when light conquers darkness. The same Christ who brought life and hope to the forgotten Galileans, will illuminate your life at the appointed time. That great light that shone in the darkness and obliterated centuries of gloom and desperation will interrupt your misery and restore your joy. It is just a matter of time.
Dear Jesus, come and conquer my spiritual and material darkness. I desire sight and freedom.
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