Daily Devotional – Wednesday, October 25, 2023
But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you.
Luke 6:27-28 (NKJV)
A famous Christian philanthropist in my country recently had a meltdown. Some online bullies were tarnishing his name. He decided to reciprocate. He went live on a popular social media platform and hit back at the trolls. On several occasions, he told his detractors, “May God kill all of you!”
Praying for the Downfall of Others
Today, this incident came to mind as a colleague and I were discussing the conduct of a Christian politician who has come under immense political pressure. Several times, she has cursed her enemies and called them all sorts of nasty names, all in the name of God. Apparently, she is fighting a spiritual, not a political, battle.
These two incidences are just a microcosm of how far contemporary Christianity is drifting from the teachings of Jesus? Did Jesus change His teachings to allow us to curse those who curse us? When did Christians start wishing their perceived enemies evil and death? How can we use the same mouth to praise God and to curse others?
Pray For Those Who Spitefully Use You
The foundation of Christ’s kingdom is love—the kind of love that embraces the underserving. Jesus set us a perfect example by dying for us while we were still sinners. Indeed, in His most humiliating moment, while he hung on the cross like a criminal, He found time to ask God to forgive those who were torturing and humiliating Him!
That is why we must heed His command, “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you.” (Luke 6:27-28). If indeed we are His followers, and the Holy Spirit dwells in us, we will do the unthinkable by speaking blessings to those who hate us.
When We Wish Evil On Our Enemies
When we wish evil on our enemies, we demonstrate that we do not understand Christ’s teachings and that we are not His children. Rather, we should allow God’s love to imbue us so that we see our enemies as people who need love and forgiveness, not revenge. Today, pray for and bless those who hate you, because that is what Jesus wants you to do.
Dear Jesus, by Your grace, instead of wishing evil on my enemies, I will love, bless and pray for them.
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