Daily Devotional – Sunday, June 5, 2022
After Rehoboam’s position as king was established and he had become strong, he and all Israel with him abandoned the law of the LORD.
2 Chronicles 12:1 (NIV)
When Rehoboam inherited the throne from his father Solomon, he chose the wrong advisers. Consequently, the kingdom split into two: the northern and southern kingdoms with ten and two tribes respectively.
After a period of rebellion, Rehoboam and his people returned to God. The kingdom began to prosper again. However, the king’s allegiance to the Lord began to wane even as his affinity to idolatry became stronger.
Rehoboam and Israel Abandoned God
Soon, the rot spread from the king to his subjects as recorded in scripture. “After Rehoboam’s position as king was established and he had become strong, he and all Israel with him abandoned the law of the LORD.” (2 Chronicles 12:1).
The king and his people only needed God when they were in trouble. When they prospered, they turned to idols. Rehoboam, though, bore the greatest responsibility of the rebellion because he was the leader.
The people believed his words and modelled his actions. When he abandoned God, they followed him into apostasy. Through his bad example, the king led many astray.
Where are you Leading your Followers?
You may not be a monarch but you are a leader in your own right. Your children, siblings, students, neighbours, workmates, fellow believers, fans and so on, listen to you and follow your example, whether you know it or not.
If by our actions or words we embolden or coerce others to rebel against God, we share in their sin.
Where are you leading your followers? To God or away from God?
Heavenly Father, make me a divinely positive influence wherever I am.