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While Everyone Was Sleeping

Daily Devotional – Monday, June 3, 2024
But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away.
Matthew 13:25 (NKJV)

The enemy could not have chosen a better time to sow strange seeds on the farm of his nemesis. It had to be a time when there would be no witnesses. Hence, “while everyone was sleeping,” the enemy sowed the tares among the wheat.

It is when we are less vigilant that Satan plants evil seeds in our hearts. When we desist from prayer, Bible study, and witnessing about Christ, or when we do less of these important activities, the devil takes advantage and sows fear, doubt, and ungodliness in our lives.

While No One is Awake

Similarly, when, as a church, we sleep on the job in terms of evangelism, the enemy plants seeds of discord and fights erupt among believers. Thus, we get distracted from the critical mission of saving souls and turn against one another, to the joy of the arch-foe.

While spouses are ‘asleep’ and fail to nurture their relationship, the enemy plants mistrust, and love grows cold. Soon, infidelity sets in, and separation and divorce follow. Because of carelessness and laziness, a once-vibrant union dies.

While Everyone Was Sleeping

It is when everyone is sleeping that you need to be awake. If the enemy in the parable had found even one person awake, he would probably not have sown the weeds. If only one of the noble man’s servants had kept vigil, it is likely there would never have been tares among the wheat.

Today, decide to be the one who stays awake when everyone is sleeping as it were. Through your prayers for yourself, your family, your nation, and the church, keep the enemy at bay. Heed the Lord’s call, “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.” (Matthew 26:41).

Lord Jesus, when everyone is ‘sleeping’ help me to watch and pray.

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Paul Mokua

Amen, let’s watch and pray for the hour has come.


Amen! May God help me be vigilant & watchful.1st peter 5:8
so the enemy cannot find a chance to creep and “plant weeds”!

Last edited 8 months ago by Charles
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