Daily Devotional – Monday, March 14, 2022
“But what about you? he asked. “Who do you say I am?
Matthew 16:15 (NKJV)
It is the duty of every Christian to persuade others to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and to remain steadfast in the faith. One way of breaking the ice with prospective Christians is to ask, “Do you know Jesus?”
There is a subtle danger, though, for the evangelizing Christian. In concentrating on helping others to join the kingdom of God, it is possible to forget one’s relationship with Jesus.
Who Do You Say I Am?
Christ, eager to help His disciples to forge a lasting spiritual relationship with Him, asked, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” (Matthew 16:13). The answers included, John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah and other prophets.
That was the easier part. The second question revealed Jesus real motives. “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” (Matthew 16:15). This question caught them off-guard.
Who Am I to You?
Jesus poses the same question to us. “Forget about other people for a moment. Who am I to you? Do you have a personal and active relationship with Me? I want you to know Me, not just to know about me.”
Sometimes we spend a lot of time minding the business of other people at the expense of our spiritual wellbeing. When Paul was in a similar situation, he purposed to discipline his body, “…lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.”
“Who do you say I am.” Jesus is asking you.
Today, purpose to build your relationship with God even as you help other know Him.
Father, teach me how to strengthen my relationship with You.
Philippians 2:12 “… Work out your own salvation in fear and trembling.” May the Lord abide in us and we in Him for the permanent relationship; that we no longer live but Christ lives in we. May our scriptural perfection and kingdom ministry not overrule Jesus as the author and finisher of our faith.
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God bless you.