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Who is This?

Daily Devotional – Thursday, August 1, 2024
Now they were more afraid than ever and said to each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!”
Mark 4:41 (CEV)

In Mark 4:41, the disciples are left in shock and terror, questioning, “Who is this?” after seeing Jesus calm the storm with a single order. This question challenges us to learn more about Jesus and how He affects our lives.

Who, Then, is This?

The disciples were still unable to completely comprehend Jesus’ identity and power despite being with Him for some time. This moment profoundly revealed who Christ was. This was a demonstration of His omnipotent control over creation itself.

The recognition of Jesus’ divine power is highlighted by the disciples’ question. He has power over all aspects of nature, as evidenced by His mastery over the wind and waves. Jesus is the ultimate authority over all that concerns us, including our anxieties, challenges, and futures, as we acknowledge His supernatural power.

Who is This?

Jesus is an active participant in our lives, not only a spectator, as evidenced by the fact that He was able to quiet the storm and go to sleep at the same time. He is able to offer calm in the midst of upheaval and stays by our side during our struggles.

Ask yourself today, “Who is this?” What does Jesus mean to you personally? What effect does this realization have on your daily life and faith? How might it alter the way you approach obstacles and find joy? Let this thought help you get to know Him better and increase your faith in Him and His power.

You are the Creator of everything, the Master of the wind and the waves, and the one who saves my soul. I am in awe of Your grace and strength.

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