Daily Devotional – Monday, April 4, 2022
For exaltation comes neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south.
Psalms 75:6 (NKJV)
Money and power do not change people’s characters. They reveal who the recipients really are. That is why some first-time politicians become masters of deceit and corruption after promising good governance when campaigning.
Similarly, some of the worst dictators start out as liberators. As they continue enjoying the trappings of power, they stop fearing God and become arrogant and oppressive.
Likewise, some wealthy people who were once struggling to make a living may abandon God and despise the poor. Previously, former junior and humble workers can become arrogant and dictatorial when promoted.
Exaltation Comes from God
In Psalm 75, Asaph reminds us that, “… exaltation comes neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south.” (Verse 6). How easily do we forget that it is God appoints us to positions of authority?
Every material possession and title we have is a gift and privilege from God. We should not allow God’s blessing to crowd Him out of our lives. We also must not look down upon those who lack what we have.
God Puts Down One and Exalts Another
God has a powerful warning for those who misuse His blessings and forget He is the Giver. “…God is the Judge. He puts down one and exalts another.” (Verse 7). He who gives you privileges can withdraw them and bestow them on another.
Whether in spiritual or temporal matters, God expects us to be good and humble stewards of the resources and power He has placed in our hands. For those aspiring to move up the ladder, God knows the appropriate time to effect His plan.
Almighty Father, teach me to be a humble steward of the resources and responsibilities you have granted me.
He says,those who are Faithful Servants are going to be Promoted.That is,if you are Faithful in Small Matters,He shall make you in charge of Great Matters.May God make us,to be Faithful Servants,Amen🙏
And so shall it be, bro