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Why Obeying God Should Be a Joyful Experience

Daily Devotional – Monday, September 9, 2024
I desire to do your will, my God. Your law is within my heart.
Psalms 40:8 (NKJV)

David expresses a deep and sincere desire to live in accordance with God’s will in today’s key text. He wants to find joy and purpose in aligning himself with God’s desire rather than merely obeying God’s commandments. David implies that obeying God should be a joyful experience, not a mechanical, legalistic exercise.

Obeying from the Heart

God asks us to regard His rules not as a burden but as guiding lights that illuminate the path to a productive and enjoyable life. God invites us to more than mere acquiescence. He demands a heart that is eager to do His will. Our obedience flows naturally from our love for Him when our hearts are in harmony with His.

Think about the effects that living by God’s law has on a daily basis. When His teachings are not only memorized but profoundly felt and understood, our decisions, feelings, and relationships are naturally guided by His wisdom. This heart-level connection builds a relationship where God’s commandments is not just a guideline but a deep-seated passion.

Why Obeying God Should Be a Joyful Experience

For obedience to God to become a joyful experience, continually pursue God through prayer and thoughtful consideration of His Word. Make scripture a part of you by internalizing it to inform your choices and behaviors. Make decisions in life that are consistent with your desire to submit to God’s plan. Lastly, interact with those who also want to follow God.

Father Almighty, I want to do Your will. Please help me to sincerely and joyfully obey Your commandments and to match my desires with Yours.

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