Daily Devotional – Monday, February 14, 2022
For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come
1 Timothy 4:8 (NIV)
My relationship with physical exercise is similar to that of Tom and Jerry. We are not friends by nature. However, when it is necessary, we cooperate. In essence, if you find me working out, I am trying to shed off extra pounds accumulated in the near past.
I prefer watching my diet and taking brisk walks instead of enrolling in a gym. Recently, though, I started working out vigorously because my preferred weight loss methods were not working.
Physical Exercise is Beneficial
Every time, I shed excess kilos, my digestion and metabolism increase. I feel lighter and more flexible. My nights are more restful. I control my emotions better. My cognitive abilities improve.
There is no doubt that physical exercise is beneficial. However, if not controlled and channeled in the right direction, working out can become a useless or harmful ritual. Do you know successful athletes who also excel in scandals and evil conduct?
But Godliness Has Value for all Things
Apostle Paul had an interesting observation about physical exercise. He wrote, “…physical training is of some value.” (1 Timothy 4:8). It is important for us to work out our bodies if we are to enjoy healthier lives.
However, the apostle introduces another form of exercise that is more valuable than aerobics and lifting weights. He says, “…but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” (1 Timothy 4:8).
Spiritual Workouts
Spiritual exercise, which involves piety, devotion to God, living a blameless life, loving our neighbors and demonstrating kindness and mercy to others, is superior to mere physical exercise.
While working out benefits us in the present life, godliness gives us joy and fulfilment on earth and qualifies us for the unparalleled bliss of living with God in eternity. What else do we crave for as human beings?
Fulfillment for Today and for Eternity
Every time we work out in the gym, at home or outdoors, let us also remember to pray, read the Bible, fellowship, and witness to and serve others. That way, we will enjoy this life and Jesus, by the merits of His death on the cross, will guarantee us a place in eternity.
Almighty Father, help me to exercise spiritually and not just physically.
Amen.. just as our physical bodies needs to be stretched and active for better health, our spiritual vitality needs to be made healthy and active.
That’s the truth, Doc. God bless you.
Amen we’ll said elder just as we do physical exercises we also need to do spiritual exercises.
I am blessed Elder
Amen, Wafula.
Physical exercise metaphor for spiritual exercise alright. Yes faith has to be fed
Amen, Stephen. Welcome to Daily family Devotions.
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