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Why Telling the Truth Is Important

Daily Devotional – Tuesday, July 2, 2024
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
Exodus 20:16 (NKJV)

The importance of telling the truth in our words and interactions with others is emphasized by the ninth commandment. The purposeful telling of lies or twisting of the facts with the intention of hurting another person is called “bear false witness”. It includes all forms of dishonesty, defamation, and disseminating false information. Telling the truth is a critical for Christ’s disciples.

Do Not Bear False Witness

Honesty is a reflection of God’s essence and character. Speaking the truth unites us with God’s righteousness and upholds His moral precepts of veracity and honesty. On the other hand, dishonesty and lying undermine relationships, cause strife, and eventually bring God low.

Think about the consequences of a false report. It can cause unfairness, destroy trust, and damage people’s reputations. The Bible asserts that a false witness will not go scot-free. Our words have the ability to uplift or demolish. As Christians, we have a duty to guard our speech, making sure that it honors God and reflects the truth.

Why Telling the Truth Is Important

Let your yes be yes and your no be no in order to obey this commandment. Make an effort to communicate the truth whenever possible, even if it’s challenging or uncomfortable. Furthermore, avoid spreading gossip or facts that could unfairly injure other people.

In addition, ask for forgiveness and make apologies if you have talked wrongly or misrepresented someone. Lastly, utilize your comments to uplift people, inspire integrity, and advance justice in your neighborhood. Genuine believers understand why telling the truth is important.

Please help us to speak honestly and morally in every circumstance, and to glorify you with our words.

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