Daily Devotional – Thursday, April 28, 2022
Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.
Philippians 2:4 (NKJV)
It was the final day of a Youth Exchange Program. The young people we were excited. As the officer in charge of the activity, I had planned the event meticulously. Well, except for one thing.
When the final group of trekkers arrived at the meeting point, I realized one of my most trusted youth leaders was missing. He was physically challenged and the hike had been torturous to him.
Look out for the Interests of Others
e finally arrived but I carried the guilt the whole day. I felt some relief, though, when I apologized for inconveniencing him and he accepted my apology. I also ensured his journey back was stress-free.
Later when I reflected on my oversight, I realized I had broken a cardinal principle of the Bible. It states, “Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.” (Philippians 2:4).
“That is None of my Business!”
My interest was on the success of the event. In the process, I ignored the interest of my confidant. How often do we commit the same mistake in our families, churches and societies?
As long as I am comfortable and happy, it does not matter what the other person is going through. A neighbor is hungry or sick or cannot afford school fees for his children. Well. That is none of my business.
Love Your Neighbor as Yourself
If we harbor such an attitude, we contravene the second greatest commandment, “Love your neighbour as you love yourself.” (Mark 12:31). If we really are born again Christians, we will find ways to help the disadvantaged, according to the blessings God has bestowed on us.
Almighty Father, lead me to a person who needs my assistance, whether spiritual, emotional or material.
Amen… it’s high time we embrace that attitude and turn away from self centered living.There is no contentment found in a life of self-centeredness, but true contentment and joy is found as we look out for others as well.Most importantly Let us look to Jesus Christ who is our perfect example ,He always lived to care for humanity.( 1st Peter 5:7….He cares for you.)
Amen, Doc