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Why You Must Consult God First

Daily Devotional – Friday, August 30, 2024
Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, but the LORD weighs the hearts.
Proverbs 21:2 (NKJV)

It is easy to think that our plans and decisions are error-free. We cherish our reasoning, follow our gut, and cling firmly to our beliefs. However, Proverbs 21:2 reminds us that although we may use our own reasoning to support our decisions, we must consult God first before we implement our ideas.

Every Man in Right in His Own Way

This verse asks us to consider the sincerity of our deeds and the purity of our intentions. The “way of a man” describes the plans and choices we make, which, in our opinion, are frequently justifiable and correct. However, God sees past appearances and assesses our motivations and intents.

Are there situations where you believe you are right but haven’t really prayed to God for guidance? It is imperative that you align your actions with God’s will rather than depending only on your own conclusions. Seek His guidance on any areas in which your heart might not be in line with His plans.

Why You Must Consult God First

Furthermore, periodically assess the intentions of your heart. Are you motivated by self-interest or by a desire to serve others and glorify God? Do you think that people’s flattery and praise matter more than honoring and glorifying God?

As you go through life, keep in mind that although your plans may appear right and clear to you, you must consult God first. You can walk boldly in His will and enjoy all of His gifts if you constantly seek His guidance and match your intentions with His truth.

Almighty God, please assist me to consult you first and to seek Your consent in everything.

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