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Why You Ought to Sing a New Song

Daily Devotional – Saturday, September 14, 2024
Oh, sing to the LORD a new song! For He has done marvellous things. His right hand and His holy arm have gained Him the victory.
Psalms 98:1 (NKJV)

Psalm 98 exhorts us to sing a new song to the Lord and draws us into an atmosphere of joyful worship and celebration. This call to sing “a new song” is about a new, sincere response to God’s amazing deeds, not just about a catchy tune. The new song is based on the great acts of divine salvation and deliverance.

Sing to The LORD a New Song!

The “new song” is a response to the recent and continuing gestures of grace from God. It is a manifestation of a changed heart that acknowledges and exults in God’s unceasing kindness. The psalmist emphasizes the great and powerful ways in which God has intervened in history, freeing His people from slavery and providing them with hope.

How has God recently demonstrated His power and faithfulness to you? This might come from experiences of unanticipated grace, progress on a personal level, or answered prayers. Allow your thanksgiving to become adoration. Let your daily existence, whether it be by prayer, music, or other means, demonstrate a renewed gratitude for God’s creation.

Why You Ought to Sing a New Song

As you go through your day, consider how you might express your “new song.” It could be a “thank-you” moment smashed into your daily schedule, an act of kindness motivated by appreciation, or just an overflowing heart while you go about your work. Let the song of your life be one of gratitude to the God who never stops doing amazing things to you.

Almighty God, I will sing a new song to You for You have done marvellous things to me.

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