Daily Devotional – Thursday, June 16, 2022
My suffering was good for me, for it taught me to pay attention to your decrees.
Psalms 119:71 (NLT)
On several occasions, I have interacted with prisoners inside a jail. Unlike many of us who take God’s word for granted, inmates hang on every word from the word of God.
I also know current and former inmates who thank God for allowing them to be incarcerated. They believe God wanted them to meet Jesus in a confined environment. Most likely, they did not feel the same way when they first entered jail.
My Suffering Was Good For Me
This conviction takes time to develop. After fighting denial and bitterness and acknowledging one’ sins or condition, a journey of self-reflection begins. The paradigm shift is the outworking of a power beyond human ability.
David exemplifies this attitude when he writes, “My suffering was good for me, for it taught me to pay attention to your decrees.” (Psalms 119:71). It is not clear whether Paul was suffering because of personal sin or the actions of other people.
Why You Should Appreciate Suffering
What is evident, though, is that on hindsight, the psalmist appreciated God for pain and hardship. This is not normal for a human being. It is only by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit that we can focus on the lessons in trials, instead of the suffering.
If, using divine wisdom, you reflect keenly on your negative experiences, you can tell God, “When you corrected me, it did me good because it taught me to study your laws.” (Contemporary English Version). Suffering is God’s tool for your benefit.
Lord Jesus, teach me to appreciate the role of suffering in developing godly character in me.
What has suffering taught you?