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Why You Should Avoid Negative Self-Talk

Daily Devotional – Sunday, July 25, 2021

Death and life are in the power of the tongue…

Proverbs 18:21 (NKJV)

In a previous devotional, we learned that we are powerful beyond our imaginations. We focused on how we can use our tongues to bless and not discourage others.

Today, we will zero in on the same key text. This time, however, we will focus on ourselves. According to Proverbs 18:21, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue…” In other words, you can bring life or death to yourself through your tongue.

One way this you can do is through positive self-talk. Motivational books are also called ‘self-help’ books because they emphasize on your role in your personal development.

Your words can minister life to you. Like Paul, you should always remind yourself, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13, NKJV).

On the flipside, you can contribute to your downfall through negative self-talk. It is possible to overcome negative criticism from others. However, you have slim chances of overcoming self-criticism.

Be vigilant when your inner voice tells you:

I will fail that paper. I am not good in math.

I cannot afford college fees.

I am not good enough for that job.

I am clumsy. I will never learn how to do this.

Everybody else is better than me.

Negative self-talk leads to high levels of stress, depression, limited thinking and challenges in relating to other people. Your subconscious mind believes what you tell it and acts to make your words a reality.

Become your best friend and motivator. Practice positive-self talk. Tell yourself ‘March on, my soul,’  as we learned in a previous devotional.

Holy Spirit, make my tongue an agent of life to me.  

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Ronny Muriira Marete

Thanks for this scripture…It is true,our lives are in our talkings.May God give us Grace to have positive thoughts always.

Duncan Mutwiri Simon

This is my prayer ooh God, make my tongue an agent of life to me.

George mugambi

Thankyou for today devotion,God help me to speak positive things in life.

George mugambi

Wow! Website is becoming more attractive and simple i recognize those positive changes may God impact on you more Mr Maina.

Brian Onduso

Amen ,,self esteem is very key in our personal developments ,,may we learn to boost our self esteem

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