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Why You Should Help the Needy

Daily Devotional – September, Saturday 7, 2024
Blessed is he who considers the poor. The LORD will deliver him in time of trouble.
Psalms 41:1 (NKJV)

God makes a significant promise through the prophet Isaiah that ties our concern for the needy to God’s intervention in our moments of crisis. Our Heavenly Father is generous and compassionate, especially toward the poor and oppressed. Hence, there is a close relationship between how we treat the poor and God’s response to our cries for help.

He Who Considers the Poor

To “consider” the impoverished is to engage in a more profound, continuous concern that shapes our choices, priorities, and way of life. When we help the impoverished, we recognize their fundamental humanity and dignity, not just their current situation. This implies not only providing practical assistance but also treating them fairly and encouraging them.

God does not just promise to step in generally to help us when we attend to the poor, He also assures us that He intervene when we desperately need Him in our personal capacities. When facing personal difficulties, we can find solace in the knowledge that God’s intervention is contingent upon our obedient management of the assets and chances He has bestowed upon us.

Why You Should Help the Needy

How do you relate to and treat those who are impoverished or in need? Is there anything you can do to strengthen your generosity and compassion? Look for practical methods to lend a hand to the needy. You could do this by lending a helping hand, making a donation, or just listening. Never forget that God watches your efforts and will meet your needs as you venture forth in faith to assist others.

Dear God, please enable me to help the needy and to treat them with respect and compassion.

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