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Why You Should Muzzle Your Mouth

Daily Devotional – Monday, September 16, 2024
I said, “I will guard my ways, lest I sin with my tongue. I will restrain my mouth with a muzzle, while the wicked are before me.”
Psalms 39:1 (NKJV)

Today’s main text shows that David is adamant about controlling his words and behavior. His remarks, which emphasize the conflict between our inner ideas and our external manifestations, have profound emotional resonance with the human experience.

Restrain Your Tongue

David tries to discipline his words and deeds because they reflect the contents of the heart. In the midst of others who do not share his beliefs, his choice to remain silent and abstain from sin is a deep proclamation of self-control and respect for God’s rules.

Our words have the power to either reflect or misrepresent how we relate to God. We must make a conscious effort to practice self-control so that we can live in a way that glorifies God, fosters harmony, and shows others how much He loves us. Hence, we must strive to keep our hearts and minds safe.

Why You Should Muzzle Your Mouth

Are there any situations where you find yourself acting rashly or furiously? Consider if the things you say elevate or degrade the people around you. Moreover, we should exercise caution in our speech when dealing with people who do not share our beliefs.

Pray to God for the discernment to know when to speak and when to be quiet. Ask God to give you the self-control to refrain from speaking and the humility to acknowledge your mistakes. Practice muzzling your mouth, especially when you are facing challenges and you are at risk of shaming God with your words.

Heavenly Father, please assist me to control my tongue and speak carefully, especially in difficult circumstances.

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