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Why You Should Not Wait for the Perfect Moment

Daily Devotional – Sunday, July 7, 2024
He who observes the wind will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap.
Ecclesiastes 11:4 (NKJV)

We frequently experience periods of hesitancy and doubt in life. Our key text reminds us of the perils of overanalyzing and exercising extreme caution when handling opportunities and difficulties in our temporal spiritual development. It is a call to us not to wait for the perfect moment before acting.

Ideal Circumstances Come Rarely

Looking at the clouds and the wind represents holding off on acting until the ideal circumstances arise. It stands for a hesitant mindset in which we let outside factors dictate our choices and direct our behavior. Solomon, though, exhorts us to think about an alternative strategy that is based on faith and confidence in God’s providence.

God asks us to consistently plant and reap in our lives, just as a farmer sows seed regardless of the direction of the wind and a reaper harvests in spite of menacing clouds in the sky. The Lord directs us to remain watchful and tenacious, putting our faith in His providence and timing.

Why You Should Not Wait for the Perfect Moment

The key text raises pertinent questions. Are we waiting for the ideal time that might never come because we are terrified to move? Alternatively, are we prepared to take a risk in faith, knowing that God will lead and supply us every step of the way?

Let us work to develop a faith that is strong and steadfast, unaffected by doubt or every breeze of misfortune. With our eyes fixed on Jesus, let us confidently embark on our projects and spiritual endevaours, and not wait for the perfect moment, because it rarely comes.

Almighty God, help us not to wait for the perfect moment but to go forward in faith and pursue our temporal and spiritual goals.

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Paul Mokua


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