Daily Devotional – Wednesday, February 9, 2022
Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels.
2 Timothy 2:23 (NKJV)
The Red Corner was a favourite spot for idlers in a town I once I lived. It was an open space occupied by newspaper vendors. Here you would find national dailies, tabloids and numerous gossip publications or the gutter press.
Elegantly dressed men would gather daily at the Red Corner daily and pore through the hottest topics. The rest of the day was for arguing and quarreling to prove whose argument was right. Often, the disputes would turn into angry exchanges of words and near fistfights.
Pointless Arguments and Quarrels
Incidentally, the men would not argue on personal matters or developmental issues with a direct effect on their lives. It was about political leaders and parties, ethnic differences and conspiracy theories.
Unfortunately, groundless arguments and quarrels are not the preserve of idle men at the Red Corner. The church and its members can also waste precious time in arguments that add no value to the work of saving souls.
Avoid With Foolish and Stupid Arguments
In the first century, Apostle Paul warned the young pastor, Timothy, “Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels.” (2 Timothy 2:23). Timothy was to avoid disputes that did not edify the church of Christ.
The modern church faces the same challenge. Sometimes we spend precious time arguing over doctrines and mundane issues to the detriment of evangelism. While people experience physical and spiritual hunger, we argue about which Bible version is correct, for example.
The Lord’s Servant Must Not Be Quarrelsome
We have our Red Corners where we seek to outdo one another on religious and doctrinal matters. These quarrels embolden our radical beliefs and deepen schism among believers. Some of these disputes degenerate into open conflict.
Paul reminded Timothy that, “the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.” (2 Timothy 2:24). We must apply divine wisdom and learn to walk away from quarrels that entrench divisions among believers.
Walking Away from Foolish Quarrels
You do not have to be right always. It is not necessary that you give the last word. On the contrary, avoiding some quarrels will result in mutual respect and reconciliation. If it does not glorify God, the argument is best abandoned.
Lord Jesus Christ, teach me to walk away from foolish arguments that do not edify Your body.