Daily Devotional – Wednesday, June 15, 2022
Give us day by day our daily bread.
Luke 11:3 (NKJV)
I admire children. They eat, sleep, study and play every day without any worries. Food, household stuff and assorted bills are none of their worries. Children know that their parents will take care of every need.
A child lives one day at a time because he or she trusts fully in the parent or guardian. That is the principle we see at work in the Lord’s Prayer, especially in Luke 11:3: “Give us day by day our daily bread.”
Lessons from Manna
God wants us to trust Him to provide today’s necessities while believing He will do the same tomorrow. Like children, we must have faith that the God who met our needs yesterday will do the same today and tomorrow.
A good example of this unquestioning trust in God is in the story of the heavenly food that God gave the Israelites in the wilderness. The manna collected on a particular day was enough to feed all members of a household that day.
The people would then trust God to supply more manna the following day. No Israelite parent went to bed worried about where to get food after waking up.
Will You Trust God to Meet Your Daily Needs?
This forty-year miracle teaches us to have full confidence in God’s willingness and ability to meet our daily needs. God supplies manna freely. Our work is to go out daily and collect it in our farms, businesses and workplaces.
Will you trust God to meet your needs day by day and continue working without worrying?
Almighty God, teach me to trust You to provide my daily bread day by day.
Indeed we can be sure that God will take care of everything we need, his generosity exceeding even ours in the glory that pours from Jesus.”
He provided water and food in the desert. Philippians 4:19. And my God will supply all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus. What a blessed assurance.
We just have to believe and trust Him, Christ said- All things the father has are mine.John 16:15.
And that we shall ask the father anything in Jesus ‘ name, and He will give to us. John 16:23.
Like the Children,May God help us not to anxious about tomorrow. But seek first His kingdom and Everything shall be added to us.
Amen, Doc. That is the God we serve.
Do you think we trust God enough?