Daily Devotional – Thursday, July 3, 2023
Seek the Lord and his strength. Seek His presence continually!
1 Chronicles 16:11 (NKJV)
An alcoholic I knew had surrender fully to the control of liquor. This man would report to the bar faithfully every morning. Some people thought he was an employee of the liquor den. He would spend the entire day around alcohol and return home late at night like an employee who was working overtime. He sought alcohol continually.
Pursuing after God Unceasingly
Addicts come in many shapes, sizes and colours. Compulsive behaviour revolves around tobacco, cocaine, heroin, marijuana, stimulants and food, among items. Generally, if an addict goes for long without taking his item of weakness, he will suffer physically, emotionally and psychologically. Consequently, the addicts seeks continually for relief.
Now, take a moment to imagine how different our lives would be if we were addicted to God! How different would our lives be if we sought Christ the same way alcoholics thirst and go after liquor? If our lives stopped functioning properly because Jesus were absent from our lives, how zealous would we be for the gospel?
Go After God Always
Well, that is the impression we get from David when he writes, “Seek the Lord and his strength. Seek His presence continually!” (1 Chronicles 16:11). The psalmist wants believers to be hooked irreversibly to God. He envisions a situation whereby the child of God is helpless and desperate when separated from the Give of Life.
Without God, we are vulnerable to attacks by Satan and his evil forces. We stand no chance against sin if we do not have the Lord and His strength on our side. Away from God’s presence, even for a minute, we risk spiritual death. Only by seeking God continually, like addicts searching for drugs, shall we be happy in this life and prepare for the one to come.
Seek the Lord Continually
Do you seek the Lord continually? How zealously do you endeavour to be in the presence of God? Do you feel deficient and guilty when you are spiritually away from God? How often do you communicate with God through Bible study, meditation and prayer? What action will you take today to ensure you are in God’s presence 24/7/365?
Dear Father, I will seek You continually because in Your presence there is fullness of life, now and in eternity.
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No pain in seeking God
Amen, Pastor.