Daily Devotional – Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Jesus answered, “What is written in the Scriptures? How do you understand them?”
Luke 10:26 (CEV)
A member of a Christian Facebook group I belong to observed that there were incessant internal conflicts owing to differences in opinion. There existed factions based on which Christian denomination one belonged to, irrespective of what is written in the scriptures.
What is Written in the Law?
This member’s remarks reminded me of several instances where I had run into trouble with some members and administrators of the group for posting what they considered unorthodox. Every time this happened, I would ask my opponents to provide Bible verses or passages that contradicted my stance.
These two examples came to mind when I read the preamble to the Parable of the Good Samaritan. A lawyer approaches Jesus, intending to set an intellectual and spiritual trap for Christ. This learned friend asks Jesus what he (the lawyer) must do to inherit eternal life.
How do you Understand the Law?
Jesus replies, “What is written in the Scriptures? How do you understand them?” Christ is not interested in endless and ignorant discussions. He invites the lawyer to submit to the authority of the Bible (then the Old Testament). The law expert swallows the bait and provides the answer to his own question.
Jesus modeled the correct approach to spiritual discussions. Whenever there are differences of opinion between Christians, it is important to ask, “What is written in the Scriptures?” Our understanding and interpretation of God’s word must conform to His will. Our opinion should not supersede the authority of the Bible.
What is Written in the Scriptures?
As long as we allow the Holy Spirit (who is the Author of the Bible) to guide our thoughts when reading scripture, we will arrive at the truth. Moreover, whenever we encounter challenging scriptures and doubt, our safety is in asking, “What does the Bible say?”
God reveals His will to us in the Holy Book. Make it your companion. Read it daily. Meditate on its teachings. Be conversant with its principles. Notwithstanding your religious affiliation, determine to live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord. Let your mantra be, “What is written in the scriptures?”
Lord Jesus, teach me to believe in and live by what is written in the scriptures.
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Help me God
Amen. Pastor