Daily Devotional – Friday, September 15, 2023
For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Philippians 3:20 (NKJV)
Apart from being an ethnic Jew, the apostle Paul was a Roman citizen. Consequently, they enjoy rights such as not being flogged without trial and being tried by the emperor instead of a local magistrate. Moreover, a Roman citizen was exempted from crucifixion.
We are Heaven’s Nationals
Conversely, citizenship comes with obligations. For example, whenever a need arose, a citizen would take up arms to defend his country from intruders. Because Roman nationals took their civic duties seriously, the Roman Empire dominated the world for centuries.
Paul, therefore, knew a lot about citizenship, and this informed his statement, “For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 3:20). Much as he enjoyed the privileges of being a national of Rome, the apostle took pride in a more enduring citizenship.
The Obligations of Heavenly Citizenship
While contrasting earthly citizens with heavenly nationals, Paul called on the latter to demonstrate their sense of belonging by living according to the dictates of God. The Christian’s thoughts, motives and affections are, as it were, in heaven. Christ’s followers subscribes to a superior set of values as demonstrated through speech and action.
Our greatest obligation is to defend the kingdom of God on earth by persuading others to accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour. As we interact with people on earth, we must spread the aroma of the gospel and convince people to ascribe to the heavenly principles and values we live by.
Our Citizenship is in Heaven
The good news is that now and in eternity, we will enjoy the privileges of being citizens of heaven. God will grant us, according to His will, all that we need to live godly lives on earth. Even more significant, though, is the right to eternal life and the opportunity to live with God forever.
Our citizenship is in heaven and Jesus is returning soon to take us home. For now, we must do our best to model the character of God and the values of heavenly citizenship. The task is not hard, though, because God dwells in us through the Holy Spirit, inculcating His image in us.
Thank You, Jesus, because I am a citizen of heaven. Live in me and develop the character of heaven in me that I may represent You ably.
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Amen 🙏
God bless you, Martin.