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Have You Forsaken the Fountain of Living Waters?

Daily Devotional – Friday, October 6, 2023
Those who depart from Me shall be written in the earth, because they have forsaken the LORD, the fountain of living waters.
Jeremiah 17:13 (NKJV)

The natural thing for someone who is in a desert and thirsty would be to look for an oasis or fountain to quench his dehydration. It is, therefore, inconceivable for a wanderer in the wilderness to deliberately walk away from a water source. This imprudent behavior would result in death.

Rejecting the Source of Life

Yet, that is what the Israelites of Prophet Jeremiah’s day did, in a spiritual sense. God, the Source of life, had been the mainstay of Israel from the day He delivered the nation from Egyptian slavery. He taught them to depend on Him fully and to rely on His providence even in the most challenging circumstances.

For example, when they were in the wilderness, He provided manna (angels’ food) to sustain His children. To quench their thirst, the Lord provided water from a rock and purified poisonous water. Throughout their sojourn in the desert, their clothes and shoes did not wear out.

Consequences of Rebellion

Over the years, the children of Jacob continued enjoying God’s protection and kindness. He cared for them like the apple of His eye. On many occassions, they would have been overwhelmed and overrun by their enemies, but God shielded them from danger because He loved them unconditionally.

Yet there were moments they let God down. Here is God’s lamentation over his wayward children, “Those who depart from Me shall be written in the earth, because they have forsaken the LORD, the Fountain of living waters.” (Jeremiah 17:13). Despite God’s incessant pleas, His children chose to walk away fountain of living waters.

Have You Forsaken the Fountain of Living Waters?

What a terrible decision? How can a man be saved who willingly chooses terminal dehydration when there is plenty of water available? Who will save the woman who rejects the gospel and eternal life and opts to walk in paths of sin, destruction and death? Undeniably, choices have consequences!

If you have forsaken the Lord, the fountain of living waters, return home for God is waiting eagerly for you. Life away from God may offer momentary happiness and a lot of regret. Return home and enjoy the living waters that bring everlasting joy now and in the world to come.

Heavenly Father, whenever I am tempted to forsake you, the fountain of living waters, do not stop calling me back.

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Paul Mokua


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