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Be Fruitful and Multiply

Daily Devotional: Friday, June 14, 2024
Be fruitful and multiply
Genesis 1:28 (NKJV)

Following their creation, God praised the first man and woman and gave them the directive to “be fruitful and multiply.” This directive includes a larger vision of growth, stewardship, and thriving in all facets of life and is not limited to physical procreation.

Bearing fruit that aligns with God’s plans is what it means to be productive. Our relationship with Jesus is the main thing that gives us fruitfulness. This relationship is developed through regular prayer, reading the Bible, and walking in obedience to God.

Bear Fruit

Furthermore, being fruitful means spreading love, grace, and encouragement among our friends, family, and church communities. By making an investment in other people, we promote their development and well-being and create conditions that allow them to flourish.

Another area where we can be productive is at work. Our commitment to excellence and diligence in our work, volunteer work, and daily responsibilities not only reflects God’s character but also has the potential to produce significant and lasting results that further His kingdom on earth.

Be Fruitful and Multiply

God also calls us to step up our efforts in our communities and change things by acting justly, compassionately, and with service. Serving others without expecting anything in return helps shine God’s light in the shadows and creates conditions that allow His truth and love to flourish.

Consider the spheres of your life in which God is urging you to bear more fruit. Decide on a single action you can take today to promote progress. As you follow God’s call and take these actions, have faith that He will lead and strengthen you.

Father in heaven, may our fruitfulness exalt Your name and lead people to You.

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Paul Mokua


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