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It Came to Pass

Daily Devotional – Sunday, June 16, 2024
And it came to pass…
Luke 2:1 (NKJV)

The term “it came to pass” is used frequently throughout the Bible to describe how events unfolded in accordance with God’s omnipotent will. Every time this phrase appears, it serves as a reminder that our Heavenly Father is also meticulously planning our lives.

In Due Course

“It came to pass” emphasizes the supernatural timing and accomplishment of God’s promises, setting the stage for the birth of Jesus. God’s plan was perfectly working even though Joseph and Mary had to deal with difficulties including a long journey and a lack of accommodation.

Even in situations that seem challenging or unpleasant to us, God’s timing is always perfect. As Christians, we frequently experience times of waiting or deal with circumstances that seem beyond of our control. In these times, we have to keep in mind the adage “it came to pass.” This stirring declaration gives us hope that God’s plans for our life will come to pass.

It Came to Pass

It’s easy to get nervous or impatient when faced with difficulties or uncertainty. The account of Jesus’ birth, however, inspires us to have faith in God’s schedule. The events of our life are predetermined by God, just as the circumstances leading up to the birth of Christ.

Every “it came to pass” event serves as evidence of God’s fidelity and sovereignty over all situations. Every “it came to pass” experience you have serves as a constant reminder of His unwavering love and support. Make the most of waiting times as learning opportunities. Develop a closer relationship with God and look for His will right now.

Almighty Father, always reassure me that even though I’m going through a difficult time, it will pass since You are in charge.

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Paul Mokua

Amen. With God on our side, I believe that even the hardships and temptations we are facing will come to pass.

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