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The Privilege and Obligation of Serving Others

Daily Devotional – Monday, June 17, 2024
Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.
Matthew 20:28 (NKJV)

Serving others is one of the most significant ways we can practice our faith. Jesus demonstrated humility and service throughout His life, from curing the sick to washing His disciples’ feet to offering His life on the cross to save us. Therefore, it is a privilege and obligation to serve others.

The Honour and Responsibility of Ministering to Humanity

Serving others usually conjures up images of large-scale activities or costly sacrifices. Service, however, also includes modest, regular deeds of compassion. We can help by holding the door for someone, lending a sympathetic ear, giving of our time, or just saying a prayer for those in need.

Serving others is how we show the compassion and love of Christ. By ministering to others, we become a living example of the Gospel and let others around us know how much God loves and values them. We also become Jesus’ hands and feet, reaching out to a world in need.

The Privilege and Obligation of Serving Others

How can you use your actions today to demonstrate Christ’s love to strangers as well as friends and family? How can you use of your abilities, opportunities, and resources to help others? You will realize that ministering to others renders you humble and compassionate.

Serving humanity brings us closer to God and enables us to fulfill His charge to love our neighbors as ourselves. It also benefits individuals in our immediate vicinity. It is our privilege and obligation to serve others and to do so with Joy as we model our Lord.

All-powerful God, may our service reflect Your love and exalt Your name.

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Paul Mokua

Amen, Service to humanity is a way of drawing blessings to our lives and is one way of showing God’s example to us.

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