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My Sheep Hear My Voice

Daily Devotional – Saturday, June 22, 2024
My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.
John 10:27 (NKJV)

Jesus gives His disciples a significant assurance in John 10:27–28. He illustrates the close relationship He has with individuals who believe in Him by using the image of a shepherd and his flock. Believers are sensitive to the voice of Christ, just as sheep hear and react to their shepherd’s voice.

Are You Listening?

For those who follow Him, the voice of Jesus is unique and recognizable. It is a voice of correction, consolation, and direction. We learn to recognize His voice more when we spend time in prayer, worship, and Scripture reading. This understanding results from a close, intimate relationship with Him.

Jesus tells us that He is familiar with His flock. This is intimate, not surface-level information. He is aware of all of our joys, anxieties, dreams, and challenges. A strong sense of security and belonging is brought about by this thorough understanding. Our Savior knows and loves us completely.

My Sheep Hear My Voice

It is only natural to follow Him when you hear His voice. Both obedience and trust are required for this. Even if the road He takes us on may occasionally be difficult or obscure, we can have faith that our Good Shepherd guides us with kindness and purpose. Following Him entails putting our faith in His flawless plan for our life and submitting our will to His.

Set aside time every day to read the Bible and pray in order to hear the voice of Jesus. Take comfort in the knowledge that Jesus loves you without condition and knows everything about you. Make a commitment to follow Jesus despite the challenges along the way.

My Good Shepherd, teach me to recognize and hear your voice.

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Paul Mokua

Amen, may we all listen to the tender voice of our Great Shepherd.

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