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Our Permanent Source of Joy

Daily Devotional – Thursday, June 27, 2024
Do not sorrow, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.
Nehemiah 8:10 (NKJV)

According to Nehemiah 8:10, “the joy of the LORD is your strength” This verse emanates from a period when God’s people were experiencing rejuvenation and restoration. Nehemiah and Ezra urged the Israelites to find their strength in knowing and serving God, rather than in their circumstances.

The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength

Similar to this, our power as Christians comes from our relationship with God rather than from our own efforts. This joy is a source of strength that keeps us going through every hardship and gives us the ability to get past every challenge. It is revealed in us when we learn to live with a profound, lasting delight in God’s presence.

Genuine happiness in the Lord surpasses our situation. It doesn’t matter if things are going smoothly or not. Rather, it is based on God’s immutable nature—His love, faithfulness, and promises. As we remain in Him, this joy, which is a fruit of the Holy Spirit dwelling inside us, blossoms.

Our Permanent Source of Joy

There are happy and difficult seasons in life. The delight of the Lord is our everlasting source of power in both cases. His delight offers us courage and hope in the midst of adversity. His delight in bestowing benefits onto us makes us modest and appreciative.

Our joy is a ray of optimism in a world where sorrow and uncertainty are commonplace. People are curious about where we get our power from, and it presents us with chances to communicate the gospel and lead them to Christ.

Thus, let us celebrate His kindness, grace, and goodness. As we do, His joy will fill our lives, enabling us to meet any challenge head-on with unflinching hope and confidence. May the joy of the Lord be your strength today and always.

May your joy spill over into our lives and become our everlasting strength.

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Paul Mokua


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