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God’s Priceless Daily Gift

Daily Devotional – Monday, July 8, 2024
This is the day the LORD has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalms 118:24 (NKJV)

God gives us a gift every morning when the sun rises and the earth comes to life: a fresh day. The Lord Himself created each day, as Psalms 118:24 reminds us. This isn’t any old day. It is a day that our Creator has created, full of His will and divine purpose. This is God’s priceless daily gift.

The Day the Lord Has Made

It is easy to fly through the day in our busy lives without stopping to consider the importance of each moment. In contrast, the psalmist exhorts us to celebrate and be glad in the day that the Lord has made. This cry for joy is an appeal to accept every day as a priceless gift from God, no matter what the future holds.

With this attitude, we awaken with thankfulness in our hearts. We recognize the wonder of the dawn, the gift of clean air, and the chance we have each day to lead lives that glorify God. Every day becomes a chance to grow in our faith, seek God’s will, and show His love to others.

God’s Priceless Daily Gift

So, let us greet each day with gratitude and praise in our hearts. We should be grateful for the opportunity to see God’s craftsmanship in the wonders of creation and the realization of His purposes. Let us celebrate the Lord’s provision and put our faith in His perfect timing, regardless of how unusual or routine the day ahead may seem. Enjoy God’s priceless daily gift.

Thank You, Heavenly Father, for this day as a gift. Assist us in appreciating and celebrating it, acknowledging Your hand at every turn.

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