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Because God Listens…

Daily Devotional – Wednesday, July 10, 2024
The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry.
Psalms 34:15 (NKJV)

Knowing that God hears us amid the chaos of our daily life and the ups and downs of our emotions brings us comfort. “The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry” (Psalm 34:15). Because God listens with complete focus and limitless empathy, it is our privilege to bring our petitions to Him.

His Ears are Open to Their Cry

He bends His ear to listen to everything we have to say as we pour out our hearts to Him. The Lord hears our prayers and is genuinely concerned about every aspect of our life. He takes care of every worry, every fear, and every desire we bring to Him.

God invites us into a relationship in which we can freely communicate and open up to Him about our deepest feelings without worrying about being judged or rejected. Prayer becomes a dialogue, a holy exchange in which we speak and He listens, and in which He speaks and we listen.

Because God Listens…

Furthermore, God’s hearing changes us. It increases our reliance on Him, fortifies our faith, and softens our hearts. We are reminded that we are never left behind or alone during the silent times of prayer. The God who hears is also the God who acts. He is wise beyond our grasp and loving beyond our capacity.

Remember that God listens, whether you are celebrating a victory or carrying a heavy load today. He hears your voice, knows your heart, and answers with kindness and compassion. Because God listens. you can come to Him with courage and assurance, and He will pause to attend to you.

Thank You, Almighty Father, because You listen to me.

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Paul Mokua

Because God listens, we can find guidance and strength through prayer and reflection on what God might want for us. Amen

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