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Why a Joyful Attitude Matters

Daily Devotional – Sunday, July 21. 2024
A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.
Proverbs 17:22 (NKJV)

A significant fact regarding the relationship between our physical and emotional wellbeing is captured in our main text. This imagery, which contrasts a joyful heart with a broken soul, effectively conveys how our inner disposition influences us on a whole.

How a Merry Heart Heals

First of all, the phrase, “A merry heart does good, like medicine” implies that happiness and optimism have the ability to heal. It improves our emotional and physical well-being by lifting our spirits and bringing us a sense of happiness and serenity, a fact that medical studies buttress.

On the other hand, “a broken spirit dries the bones” illustrates the damaging consequences of pessimism and hopelessness. A broken spirit can have physical effects as well as emotional ones, such as exhaustion, disorders linked to stress, and a compromised immune system.

Why a Joyful Attitude Matters

Having joyful hearts is important, not only for ourselves but also as an example to others. Our happiness and serenity are based in our faith in God, and can persuade others to believe in our God. Choosing joy in the face of adversity is a sign of faith in God’s omnipotence and capacity to see us through any ordeal.

A joyful attitude matters because it boosts our mental and spiritual well-being. Prayer, worship, and fellowship with God and other believers are important strategies for tending to our hearts just as we would our physical health via exercise and proper diet. Hence, whenever you feel despondent, remember that a merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.

Heavenly Father, help me cultivate a joyful attitude that I may enjoy the healing thereof.

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