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Do You Want to Be Free?

Daily Devotional – Monday, July 22, 2024
The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, because He has anointed Me…to proclaim liberty to the captives
Luke 4:18 (NKJV)

Every human being has a deep desire for freedom. We all want liberty whether it be from mental or physical captivity or spiritual suffering. This universal longing for freedom is a reflection of a fundamental human yearning that goes beyond external circumstances and may be found throughout history and all civilizations.

He Set the Captives Free

During His earthly ministry, Jesus stated that his mission was to set captives free. This declaration covered all forms of captivity that enslave the human soul, not simply physical confinement. He came to free us from the bonds of shame, guilt, fear, and sin. His goal was to release and calm disturbed hearts, heal injured spirits, and provide hope to hopeless souls.

As believers, Jesus has forgiven our sins and shattered, though His sacrificial death, the hold that sin had over our lives. Furthermore, we have power over fear and it should not prevent us from completely embracing the purposes and goals God has for our lives. Furthermore, we should not allow of guilt and shame to rule over us because Christ loves us unconditionally and forgives us.

Do You Want to Be Free?

That said, think about the areas of your life where you are still not free. It can be an ingrained sin that seems to control you, a fear that prevents you from making decisions, or a regret from the past that consumes your thoughts. Accept the freedom that Jesus freely grants you, and walk in it with pride. Additionally, share with people nearby that Jesus frees the captives.

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for sending your Son, Jesus Christ, to liberate me from all forms of captivity.

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