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How God Treats the Lonely

Daily Devotional – Friday, August 2, 2024
God sets the solitary in families; He brings out those who are bound into prosperity.
Psalm 68:6 (NKJV)

Our key text beautifully illustrates God’s compassion for people who are weak, alone, or alienated. It refers to a heavenly provision that includes both emotional and spiritual belonging in addition to physical presence.

He Sets the Solitary in Families

A feeling of emptiness where the lack of company weighs on our hearts, solitude can occasionally feel like a heavy load. Loneliness can cause great sorrow, whether it’s because of our own decisions, events beyond our control, or the hurt of shattered relationships.

Setting the isolated in families is an expression of God’s all-encompassing love. Instead of leaving the lonely to fend for themselves, He tenderly incorporates them into a community that values and looks out for them. Beyond biological ties, God views family as consisting of spiritual siblings and a strong support system of fellow believers.

How God Treats the Lonely

This promise may seem far-fetched or difficult for many to understand. Maybe you are searching for something that you don’t yet have—a sense of belonging. Recall that God has perfect timing and methods. He is aware of your heart’s wishes and will provide you a family when the timing is right.

Think for a moment about your own circumstances. Do you feel alone right now? Ask God to show you His plan and to give you the necessary connections. Are you able to lend someone else your friendship and support? Ask God to give you the chance to be a blessing to someone who is experiencing loneliness.

We are grateful to You, Heavenly Father, for keeping Your word to place the lonely in families. May this promise sustain us when we feel abandoned and unappreciated.

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