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Are You in Trouble?

Daily Devotional – Wednesday, August 7, 2024
The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust in Him.
Nahum 1:7 (NKJV)

Nahum 1:7 provides a significant and comforting truth in the midst of life’s ups and downs: “The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust in Him.” The goodness of God is a source of support and protection, particularly when we are in trouble.

A Stronghold in the Day of Trouble

Strongholds were fortified locations designed to fend off invaders in ancient days. Likewise, in the face of difficulties—disease, financial strain, strained relationships, or any other kind of misfortune—we can take comfort in the knowledge that God is watching out for us.

That God “knows those who trust in Him” is a very reassuring promise. God knows every individual who comes to Him for protection in a deep and personal way. He actively participates in His people’s lives and is well aware of their wants and challenges.

Are You in Trouble?

As you go about your day, keep in mind that God’s goodness is a practical reality that affects every aspect of your life. You may face every day knowing that God is your loving guide and unwavering protector when you seek His refuge.

Are you in trouble? Do you have a specific obstacle that you are facing? Seek God as your rock and take solace in His steadfast kindness. Seek refuge in Him, believing that He is well acquainted with you and will furnish you with the necessary fortitude and encouragement.

Thank You, Heavenly Father, for being my refuge in my difficult times. It gives me a great deal of comfort and confidence that You are good.

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