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Are You Listening?

Daily Devotional – Thursday, August 8, 2024
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
Isaiah 30:21 (NKJV)

Every day, we are faced with decisions that often seem overwhelming, and the future is sometimes unclear. It is easy to feel lost or uncertain about which way to go when we are confused or at a crossroads. That is when God speaks, but do we listen?

This is the Way; Walk in It

God’s promise in the book of Isaiah is that we are not alone no matter where we are or which way we are going. He is with us, providing guidance and understanding. God is a constant mentor who is prepared to reroute us when we wander.

The phrase “voice behind you” denotes a close, personal relationship with God. It implies that His direction is a part of our daily path. This voice is a soft prod that emerges from deep within, resonating with confidence and serenity rather than a harsh, commanding yell.

Are You Listening?

It is crucial that we seek God’s guidance through scripture, prayer, and introspection before making decisions. Even though we can’t always hear an actual voice, God nonetheless speaks to us through the lessons of Scripture, the guidance of wise companions, and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Are you listening? What message does God’s voice have for you today? Do you need His guidance on a decision or course of action? Have faith in His guidance and keep in mind that His plan is always for your benefit and His glory.

Dear God, help me hear Your voice and put my faith in Your wisdom, especially during uncertain times.

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