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When the Glory of the Lord Rises Upon You

Daily Devotional – Friday, August 9, 2024
Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.
Isaiah 60:1 (NIV)

God tells us that His light has come and that His glory is upon us in Isaiah 60:1. This light can break through the darkest of nights and brighten the way ahead. It is not a passing glimmer but a transformational glow. Consequently, when the glory of the Lord rises upon us, we must arise and shun.

Arise and Shine

This is an exhortation to welcome God’s newness and to rise beyond complacency. God’s light has the power to shine through our own darkness and rekindle our hope and spirit, much like the dawn does when it bursts through the night.

To “shine” is to give others a reflection of God’s light. When God shines his light in our lives, we become beacons of encouragement and hope. When we are firmly rooted in our relationship with God, our light shines most brightly and is demonstrated by our kindness, tolerance, and love.

When the Glory of the Lord Rises Upon You

God’s glory can still shine through and upon us even in moments when we feel unworthy or inadequate. Acknowledging our readiness for this calling is a prerequisite for accepting this promise. God’s light gives us the strength to shine; we don’t need to gather it all by ourselves.

Which aspects of your life are in need of God’s grace? How can you illuminate others around you with His light? Spend some time praying to God for wisdom and courage, and keep an open mind to the chances He presents to you to show the world how much He loves you.

Heavenly Father, because Your glory has risen upon me, empower me to live a life that fully reflects Your light.

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