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How to Live Peaceably with Everyone

Daily Devotional – Saturday, August 10, 2024
If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.
Romans 12:18 (NKJV)

It might occasionally seem impossible to keep our relationships peaceful in the midst of everyday chaos. While we may not be able to control every situation, the apostle Paul exhorts us to work toward peace by highlighting the fact that we do have a choice in how we react.

As Much as Depends On You

The crucial part is “as much as depends on you.” It recognizes that although we have no control over the thoughts or behaviors of others, we are in charge of our own. This verse exhorts us to actively pursue peace in order to truly promote harmony in our relationships rather than only avert conflict.

Consider your relationships first. Ask God to give you wisdom on how you might help bring about peace. Think about the way you handle arguments. Do you approach them with an attitude of forgiveness or one of denial and obstinacy?

How to Live Peaceably with All Men

Sometimes it takes a leader to bring about peace. It could entail walking away from a contentious discussion, apologizing, or just being nice. Seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance and fortitude each day as you fulfill your calling. Ask for the strength to pursue peace even when it seems difficult and for the grace to be a peacemaker.

Keep in mind that you are the source of peace in when in conflict. You can shine a light of God’s peace in a world in dire need of it by making the decision to act with kindness and love. Accept the chance to live in harmony with all people, knowing that your efforts will help to further represent God’s kingdom on earth.

Heavenly Father, help me to live in peace with everyone.

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