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The God Who Supplies

Daily Devotional – August 19, 2024
And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19 (NKJV)

We often let our needs and anxieties overwhelm us in the busy rhythm of our life. However, in the midst of our worries, the apostle Paul reminds us of God’s unwavering faithfulness in Philippians 4:19. Not only does God know what we need, but He also has the means to provide it.

And My God Shall Supply

This pledge covers all area of our existence, not just our material necessities. God’s provision takes care of every aspect of our lives, whether we are struggling financially, emotionally, or spiritually. He is dedicated to giving us what we genuinely need and cares about our overall well-being.

God meets our needs “according to His riches in glory,” as Paul puts it. This statement emphasizes the breadth and depth of God’s resources, which makes it noteworthy. Not only does He provide enough, but He provides abundantly, meeting our needs in ways that honor His glory and grace.

The God Who Supplies

We are the recipients of all of God’s benefits and services because of Christ. Our faith in Christ ensures that God’s supply is always in line with His will and purpose for our lives, bringing our needs into perfect alignment with His perfect timing and design.

Think back on the ways God has already supplied for you in the past, and allow these assurances of His faithfulness to grow your faith in His ability to provide in the future. Accept the knowledge that God’s supply is more than enough, no matter what your present situation.

Thank You, Heavenly Father, for Your assurance that You will provide all of my needs in accordance with Your mighty and glorious resources.

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