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Who Has the Final Word?

Daily Devotional – Tuesday, August 20, 2024
The preparations of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the LORD.
Proverbs 16:1 (NKJV)

We frequently find ourselves engulfed in a maelstrom of goals, plans, and aspirations in our day-to-day lives. Our hearts are always creating and perfecting what we think is the ideal path for us, whether it be personal aspirations or professional goals. However, regardless of our plans, King Solomon reminds us that God has the final word.

The Answer of the Tongue is From the LORD

Making plans is something that people do naturally. We strive to mold our futures in a way that is consistent with our goals and aspirations because we are motivated by hope and intention. This is not intrinsically bad. Rather, planning and striving are aspects of the human experience.

The main reading for today says that even if we are busy planning, God is ultimately in charge of how things turn out. His designs are always for our ultimate welfare, and His knowledge is much above our comprehension.

Who Has the Final Word?

Take a minute to give your plans to God. Pray and read the Bible to obtain God’s insight before making any significant decisions. Furthermore, be aware that God’s timing might not coincide with yours. Welcome the serenity that results from putting your faith in His all-powerful watchfulness and direction.

Consider how you can synchronize your plans with God’s will. Ask Him to guide you toward a future brimming with His kindness and mercy. Seek God’s guidance in all your actions and the ability to have faith in His plans and timing. Keep in mind that God has the last word even when you make plans.

Thank You, Heavenly Father, for giving me the ability to plan and for the assurance that You have the final word in my life.

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Philip Mutua

Reminds me back in school, in Christian Union, there was a common song, “who has the final say, Jehovah has the final. (Jehovah turns my life around*2, He makes a way where there seems no way, Jehovah has the final say)*2.” It’s now more clearer than in our plans, God has the final word. We like making plans and bring God into them only when the plans do not succeed.

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