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Why Restraint and Calm Are Critical

Daily Devotional – Sunday, August 25, 2024
He who has knowledge spares his words, and a man of understanding is of a calm spirit.
Proverbs 17:27 (NKJV)

In a society where ideas are communicated quickly and feelings are often intense, Proverbs 17:27 provides a welcome viewpoint on knowledge and discernment. The text emphasizes the importance of calm demeanor and measured speech—qualities that are firmly anchored in heavenly understanding.

Spare Your Words

Real knowledge inspires moderation. The truly intelligent understand that not every idea or revelation needs to be spoken. Their carefully considered word choice conveys the breadth of their comprehension. Speaking with thoughtfulness is a way to align oneself with God’s wisdom.

Furthermore, a person who understands God’s nature and the deeper truths of life maintains composure in the face of difficulties and disagreements. Such serenity is a reflection of faith in God’s providence and sovereignty. When we trust God, our responses to life’s challenges become more calculated and less influenced by ephemeral feelings.

Why Restraint and Calm Are Critical

As we consider this adage, let us make an effort to live our lives as examples of these virtues. When we get the chance to speak, let us consider whether what we have to say is important and instructive. In a same vein, let us maintain our composure in the face of adversity by remembering that God is in charge of our lives.

Pause for a moment before you speak or act and apply clam and restraint. Consider whether your actions and words reflect the composure and knowledge that our key text emphasizes. Seek God’s direction to live out these qualities, believing that He will give you the grace you need to accomplish His will.

Heavenly Father, please help us to use words wisely and to represent Your truth and love in the world.

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