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The Friend You Must Have

Daily Devotional – Tuesday, August 27, 2024
A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Proverbs 18:24 (NKJV)

Today’s main text asserts that we must be amiable if we hope to have friends. Sincere friendships demand work, transparency, and a readiness to make an investment in other people’s lives. It is an invitation to show compassion and warmth, to be involved and in the moment.

A Friends Who Sticks Closer than a Brother

However, this verse also presents an astounding notion of friendship—one that even transcends the ties of familial bonds. “A friend who sticks closer than a brother” is a true statement that we can encounter in our relationship with Christ, not just an ideal.

Jesus is the embodiment of this ideal friendship in times of joy, sorrow, and loneliness. He is the friend who never gives up on us, who shares both our greatest pleasures and our deepest tragedies, and who sticks with us through all of life’s seasons.

The Friend You Must Have

Take a few minutes to pray and consider your friendships. Are there any ways you could help or be more present for your friends? Think about the influence that Christ’s friendship has had on your life and how you may show others the same unwavering love.

Recall that although interpersonal connections are important and rewarding, the relationship we have with Jesus is the best illustration of what it is to be a real friend. Allow this fact to guide your interactions with people today, and approach them with love, compassion, and unshakable support in your heart.

Lord Jesus, I am grateful that You are the friend who sticks closer than a brother. Please assist me to adopt a similar attitude in my interactions with others.

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