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With Us is the Lord

Daily Devotional – Saturday, August 31, 2024
With him is an arm of flesh; but with us is the LORD our God, to help us and to fight our battles.
2 Chronicles 32:8 (NKJV)

We are immersed in a pivotal period in Judah’s history as the events of 2 Chronicles 32 play out. The arrogant Sennacherib, the leader of the powerful Assyrian empire, has besieged Jerusalem, posing a serious threat to King Hezekiah. With their brutal tactics and impressive military prowess, the Assyrians appear to be an unbeatable force.

God Will Fight Our Battles

The Assyrian commander mocks the people of Judah, boasting about the might of his country and discounting the existence of the God of Israel in the face of such overwhelming odds. The “arm of flesh,” or the enemy’s physical strength and military competence, is the source of their confidence. This physical arm represents the dependence on human strength, which frequently seems so strong and dependable.

Hezekiah and his people are nevertheless made acutely aware that although the enemy depends on the arm of flesh, their power is finite and fleeting. On the other hand, a much stronger force—an everlasting, omnipotent presence—supports God’s people. “With us is the LORD our God” is a statement of unwavering faith and confidence in the supernatural force that surpasses all boundaries on earth, not merely a solace.

With Us is the Lord

Think about any situations where you could be depending more on your own “arm of flesh” than on God’s strength. Consider the areas of your life where you need to put God’s strength ahead of your own. Let this knowledge strengthen your trust and inspire you to completely rely on the LORD, who is by your side no matter what.

Almighty God, teach us to rely on Your power rather than our own because we know that You are always with us.

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