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How to Respond to God’s Unconditional Love

Daily Devotional – Sunday, September 1, 2024
We love Him because He first loved us.
1 John 4:19 (NKJV)

A fundamental fact about the character of Christian love is captured in 1 John 4:19. This verse explains the origin and driving force behind our capacity for love toward others. It is the result of God’s sacrificial and unconditional love for us. John reminds us that we love God and others because of what God has already done for us. By and of ourselves we have not capacity to love genuinely.

We Love Him Because He First Loved Us

Christ died for us while we were yet sinners (Romans 5:8). We actually did not deserve it. God’s love for us began long before we ever acknowledged Him or sought out to Him. His love is an unwavering, enticing energy that aims to bring us into connection with Him rather than a response to our deeds.

Comprehending this reality bears noteworthy consequences for our interpersonal connections and spiritual journey. It implies that the love we have experienced from God is directly reflected in the love we have for one another. Understanding the depth of God’s love for us naturally leads us to want to show the same love to everyone around us.

How to Respond to God’s Unconditional Love

Think back to the ways in which God’s love has shown itself to you in your life—through Jesus’ sacrifice, grace, and forgiveness. Seek out chances to be kind, compassionate, and loving, especially to those who don’t deserve it or are hard to love. Today, may God’s unconditional love motivate and encourage your social interactions and connections.

Loving God, I am amazed by Your amazing, unwavering love for me. Show me how to love you back.

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