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What Pleases God?

Daily Devotional – Monday, September 2, 2024
Whoever offers praise glorifies Me; and to him who orders his conduct aright I will show the salvation of God.
Psalms 50:23 (NKJV)

A clear understanding of what pleases God and how to arrange our life so that we can experience His salvation is critical. Our key text emphasizes the link between doing what is right and receiving God’s favor. It demonstrates that God honors conduct that is in line with His desire rather than just external displays of worship.

Him Who Orders His Conduct Aright

Thanksgiving is portrayed as a potent offering, a means of praising and honoring God. Giving gratitude in any situation shows that you recognize God’s benevolence and sovereignty, especially in the face of adversity. A sacrifice like this honors God and brings us nearer to Him.

Further, living in accordance with God’s values and instructions is what it means to order one’s conduct properly. It has to do with moral rectitude, acting in accordance with God’s word, and integrity. This is about living a life that reflects our perception of God’s nature and His will for us, not just about obeying the rules.

What Pleases God?

Are your choices, behaviors, and interpersonal interactions consistent with God’s instructions and precepts? Seek direction and understanding from the Holy Spirit regarding areas that require realignment. Make it your daily practice to give gratitude to God—not merely for what He has accomplished, but also for who He is.

By accepting the veracity of Psalm 50:23, we are challenged to conduct lives that glorify God in both our deeds and our grateful mindset. When we live morally upright lives, we please God and provide opportunities for meaningful and life-changing experiences with His salvation.

Almighty God, my greatest desire is to please you. Teach me how to.

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