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Let Your Gentleness Be Known to All

Daily Devotional – Thursday, September 5, 2024
Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand.
Philippians 4:5 (NKJV)

One of the most important instructions for a Christian’s life that Paul gives is to let our gentleness be known by all men. The apostle emphasizes kindness as a mirror of Christ’s nature, speaking to the core of our interactions with others. According to Paul, there is a close relationship between our conduct and the second coming of the Lord Jesus.

Always Be Gentle with Others

One of the fruits of the Spirit that shows out in our attitudes and actions is gentleness. When Paul urges us to “let your gentleness be known to all men,” he is putting our daily encounters at the center of this call to action. This kindness ought to be so apparent that it defines who we are as people and invites others to experience Christ’s love via us.

The Lord’s presence ought to impact our daily lives and social interactions. Being aware of the Lord’s proximity to us prompts us to act with kindness because we know that He is watching over our deeds and attitudes. Paul’s statement serves as a reminder that Christ will come soon and that we should live according to the principles of His kingdom.

Let Your Gentleness Be Known to All

Are your reactions and dispositions showing gentleness? Seek the Holy Spirit’s assistance in developing a compassionate spirit in every aspect of your life. Use every opportunity to exemplify kindness in your relationships—at home, at work, or in the community. Let your gentleness be known to all human beings.

Lord Jesus, may my gentleness be known to all people by Your grace.

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