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How to Live with Non-Believers

Daily Devotional – Friday, September 6, 2024
Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time.
Colossians 4:5 (NKJV)

In today’s guiding verse, God challenges us to thoughtfully and significantly live out our religion, particularly in our encounters with non-Christians. Because we are bearing witness to God’s love and truth when we interact with the world, it is crucial that we live intentionally and wisely.

… Toward Those Who are Outside

To “walk in wisdom” is to act with consideration, respect, and as a reflection of Christ’s character toward people who do not share our ideas. In this sense, wisdom refers to knowing how to represent Christ and interact with people in a way that is both sincere and kind.

In order to make the most of our time, we must be deliberate in our interactions, take advantage of chances to proclaim the gospel, and show God’s love in real, tangible ways. It entails acting with awareness, purpose, and presence in our interactions with others, realizing that every interaction is a chance to show others the grace and love of Christ.

How to Live with Non-Believers

In our dealings with non-Christians, Colossians 4:5 exhorts us to exercise caution and thoughtfulness. Many of these people expect to see the character of God in us. We glorify God and serve as powerful ambassadors of His love and truth to the world when we live wisely and make the most of our time.

Seek God’s guidance on how to handle every circumstance with dignity and wisdom. Seek out chances to be kind, supportive, and to communicate your beliefs in casual discussions. Consider how your words and deeds convey your beliefs. Are you taking full advantage of these chances to share God’s love and form relationships?

Dear God, help me to walk in wisdom towards non-Christian.

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