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The God Who Hides Himself

Daily Devotional – Monday, September 9, 2024
Truly you are a God who has been hiding himself, the God and Savior of Israel.
Isaiah 45:15 (NKJV)

How can an all-powerful, omnipresent God simultaneously be one who hides Himself, as Prophet Isaiah intimates? The notion of God hiding Himself is not about a perceived unwillingness to reveal Himself to us. Instead, it is an invitation for us to recognize God’s the greatness and unsearchable nature.

When God Appears to be Absent

Indeed, God reveals Himself through creation, Scripture, and the person of Jesus Christ. However, there will be moments when His reasoning or acts are concealed from our perspective because His wisdom and designs are greater than our comprehension.

God wants us to have a closer, trusting, and more faith-based connection with Him. God’s hiding is not an indication that He is leaving us. Rather, it is an appeal to put our faith in His goodness and His promises in the face of our inability to see or comprehend everything.

When God Hides Himself

It is during the moments when God is in hiding that our faith grows. Even when we are not able to see or comprehend God’s ways at work in our lives, our faith must not waver. He remains God even when we do not perceive His presence.

Take a moment to think back to a situation when you felt God was not present. In what way did you perceive His loyalty during that circumstance? What lessons about faith and trust did you learn? He may be the God who hides Himself, but He will forever remain loving and caring toward His children.

Dear God, whenever You appear to be hiding from me, help me to put my trust in Your goodness and wisdom.

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