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Is there Anything New on Earth?

Daily Devotional – Thursday, September 12, 204
Is there anything of which it may be said, “See, this is new”? It has already been in ancient times before us.
Ecclesiastes 1:10 (NKJV)

“Is there anything of which it may be said, “See, this is new”?” Asks King Solomon, the preacher. He is reflecting on life’s seemingly repetitive nature. Ecclesiastes 1:10 makes a compelling insight regarding the nature of newness and its seeming absence in our experiences.

It Happened Before

This rhetorical question queries our tendency to look for new experiences and inventions, hoping they will give us satisfaction and greatness. Solomon challenges us to reevaluate our search for the “new” in a society that is fixated on the newest fashions, cutting-edge technologies, and unique experiences.

In reality, our human experiences are not wholly new. Realizing this may be both empowering and humbling. It enables us to see that the search for something fundamentally different could be a diversion from the more fundamental, timeless truths that God wants us to embrace.

Is there Anything New on Earth?

Let us take some time to appreciate the importance of today and its value rather than chasing the next great thing all the time. Amid our ever-evolving circumstances and constant quest for new experiences, may we firmly establish ourselves on the timeless principles found in God’s Word.

The attractions of this world will never satisfy you. Rather than focusing on short-lived pleasures, invest in relationships with God and people. The only newness we can experience on earth is being born again into the kingdom of God.

Dear God, seeing there is nothing new on earth, help us appreciate the present and the blessing of being born again even as we look forward to life with you in eternity.

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